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Foley Library User Services Training Guide

Welcome to Pixit!

Hello employees! This LibGuide will walk you through Gonzaga University's Lost & Found procedures. The Foley Library uses Pixit to organize, publish, and help owners claim lost belongings. Pixit manages the items that users log into its database, which helps patrons find their lost items. As you continue your time here at the Foley Library, you will most likely be approached by patrons needing help finding or claiming lost items. This LibGuide will be accessible if you need a reference on how to use Pixit or require a refresher on Lost and Found procedures. 

Image of Pixit Logo

There are a few important terms to familiarize yourself with as you proceed through this LibGuide, so please make sure to refer to the "Important Words and Terms" box if you find yourself confused. 

What's Considered a Priority Item?

Below is a non-exhaustive list of items categorized as Priority Items. If you are still confused, please don't hesitate to ask a supervisor or security. 

  • Credit & Debit Cards 
  • Social Security Cards or items that display SSN 
  • Cash 
  • Wallets (most likely will contain items with confidential information)

What should you do if you find a Priority Item?

If you find a priority item, the first thing you must do is contact security. On a Gonzaga-affiliated phone, the extension is 2222. On your cellphone, the number is (509) 313-2222. Next, explain to security that you possess a priority item and have them pick it up from the circulation desk. In the meantime, please give the priority item to a supervisor. Please make sure you DO NOT publish a priority item on PIXIT.

What should you do if you find a lost Zagcard?

It's common to find lost Zagcards around the library. So, what should you do if you find one? The answer might surprise you! 

  • Unlike before, library and student employees are no longer supposed to publish Zagcards onto PIXIT. 

  • Instead, we are instructed to bring them immediately to the Hemmingson Welcome Desk. This is where Hemmingson employees deal with all things Zagcard-related. 

Photograph of two Hemmingson Welcome Desk employees

  • If Hemmingson is closed or if no one is working the Hemmingson Welcome Desk at the time of your shift, then you should call security to pick it up. Click here to view Hemmingson's Welcome Desk hours. 

  • If you are not able to immediately take the Zagcard to Hemmingson or to give it to security, you should give the card to a supervisor to keep it safe until it can be transferred appropriately.

How to publish a lost Item

How to Publish a Lost Item:

  • Grab an iPad from the laptop cart in the back circulation room.

Image of laptop cart in the back circulation room

  • Once you are on the home screen, click on the Pixit-Gonzaga app.
    • If you do not know the password to the iPad, please notify a supervisor and they will help you.
  • Log into your personal Pixit account. This should bring you to the "Queued items" page of Pixit.
  • Click the blue “New Item” button. 
  • On the left-hand side of the display, there should be a pull-out menu where you will find queued, published, and archived items. Just make sure you are on one of those tabs before continuing.

Screenshot image of "Queued" page on Pixit

  • You should now be on the "Add New Item" page. Click the "Choose Image"  and "Take Photo" buttons. 
  • Take a photo of the item on either a dark or lighter-colored background. It is recommended to make the background the opposite color of the item. 
    • Try your best to take a clear photo so that viewers can tell what they're looking at. 
  • Select the Item Category from the dropdown menu. 
  • Give the item a Title. 
  • Write a description for the item.
  • Write any internal notes for other employees and/or security to reference. Remember that internal notes are only visible to your coworkers and security staff. 

Here is an example of a New Claim of a lost T-shirt: 

Example submission of a lost Tee shirt in Pixit.

  • Select "Save" at the lower right side of the page. 

    • If you do not save the item at this point, it will automatically go into the "Queued Items" tab. Unless you are still in the process of publishing the item, make sure you click "save." 
  • The “Item Number #” page should now pop up on your display. 
  • Log in the “Found Date” and “Found Time.”

  • Select the expiration date for 60 days from the day you found the item.

  • Log details for “Location Item Found."

  • Log details for "Item Storage Location."

  • Click the "Publish" button when you are finished. 

How to make a claim for an item

If an individual calls or comes up to the circulation desk and asks to make a claim for an item they lost, this is how you would proceed:

  • If the item is published and is in the lost & found basket, you can create a claim for that item from the item view. 
  • Browse through the published page and find the item. You can also look up the item in the search bar 
  • Select the item that is being claimed. 
  • Click the “Create Claim” button to the left of the “Pick Up” button.

  • Fill out the claimant’s name and email address.

Screenshot image of "Create Claim" button on Pixit

Screenshot Image of "Create Claim" pop-up after you select the "create Claim" button

  • Categorize the lost item. This part should automatically fill out for you. 
  • Fill out the item description based on the claimant's details of the items. 
  • Select "Create Claim" to submit the claim. 

Click here if you are still confused and need clarification on the types of claims an individual can make 

No Claim Pick Up

Sometimes, individuals will come to the circulation desk to pick up their item(s) without filing a claim. This is how you would proceed:

  • Pull up the item by searching for it in the search bar. You could also browse the "Published" page and search for the item that way. 
  • Select the item and click the purple “Pick Up” button at the top right-hand corner. 

Screenshot image of "Pick Up" button on Pixit

  • Fill out the claimant’s name and email address.

  • Click the purple “picked up” button to submit the claim. 

Click here if you are still confused about creating different types of claims

Where to put lost items once they're published

Once you have published a lost item on Pixit, the next step will be to place it in the Lost and Found basket:  

  • Grab a brown paper bag from the basket on top of the laptop cart.

    • Let a supervisor know if there are no more brown paper bags. 

  • If the item is small (jewelry, earphones, etc.), get an envelope from the basket above the laptop cart and proceed with the same instructions below. 

  • With a dark-colored marker or pen, write the date you found the item, the claim number, and the title of the item on the bag/envelope.

  • Fold the top of the bag over (if you can) to secure the contents. Then, staple the flap shut so that the contents do not fall out.

  • Place the bag/envelope into the Lost and Found basket near the back circulation room door.

Image of black Lost and Found basket in back circulation room Image of white envelope

If you find a lost water bottle, make sure to empty its contents before placing it into the Lost and Found basket: 

  • Empty the water bottle in a restroom sink. We do not want the water bottle to leak and destroy other items in the lost and found basket. 
  • Do not put the bottle into a paper bag. Instead, grab some masking tape and write the claim number on the tape. 

    • Please make sure your writing is clear and can be easily read! 

  • Put the water bottle into the Lost and Found Basket near the back circulation room door.

Important Words & Terms

Word/Term          Definition


Items in the process of being published on the websiteThis means someone is still adding details to the description before they officially publish the item. 


Items that have been officially posted and can be viewed by those who have access to PIXIT. This tab is where you can search for lost property. This tab is where you can find descriptions of the lost item, any notes about the item, its location, and where the item is currently stored. 


Items that have been claimed and are no longer lost. Items that are transferred to the archived tab should have a reason they are categorized as “archived. The “archive reason” will also be found under the archived tab. 

New Item 

The “New Item” button is where users begin to post new items that are lost. This button brings you to the page where you begin to log information about the lost item to be published. 

New Claim 

The “New Claim” button is where individuals can file a claim on a lost item. An individual can file a claim on items by mistake if they believe that the lost item is theirs. 

Claim Number (#) 

The claim number is used to identify specific property that is lost. Lost items are given a claim number to keep track of the status of the item. Think of this number as an ID that users can reference when needed. 


The title characterizes the lost property. Think of it as the subject of the lost item. The title should be brief and concise. For example, if you are logging in a lost Purple hydroflask water bottle, the title can be something along the lines of “Purple Hydroflask Bottle,” or “Purple Water Bottle.” 


The category section is where you’ll find a drop-down menu of specific item groups the lost property could be in. For example, if you are logging in a Black Nike Hoodie, the category you want to select is “Clothing.” If you are unable to find a category that fits with the lost item you are logging in, please select “miscellaneous.” 


This section is where you will describe the physical features of the item. It is common to account for any color(s), shapes, scratches, marks, dents, or stains on the physical item in the description. Some users find it beneficial to state where the item was found in the description too. Use your best judgment when it comes to how specific you want to be! 

Internal Notes 

This section is only visible to security and those who have access to the organization’s shared Lost & Found. Internal Notes help to further identify lost items, especially items of high value. Internal notes are used to communicate with other team members. Most items of high priority have internal notes to protect their owners and to ensure claimants are picking up the correct items. 

Found Date

This is where you identify when the item was found. Select the exact date (MM/DD/YYYY). Always make sure the Show Date status is “On.” 

Found time 

This is where you log in the approximate time the item was found. Select the approximate time (HH:MM:SS). Double-check to make sure you select the correct time of day (AM or PM). Always make sure the Show Date status is “On.” 

Expiration Date 

The expiration date should be 60 days after the lost item is published. Make sure you input the correct expiration date before publishing. 


Alternative words or terms to describe the item that is being logged in. For example, "Airpods" could have the tags earphones, and/or headphones. Tags are helpful to find items that have more than one identifying name

Custom Logging Field > Location Item 

This is where you log in where the lost property was found. The location of the item will most likely be “Foley Library,” since you work at the Foley Library! Occasionally, you’ll have someone give you an item they found at another location on campus. In this case, you should ask them where they found the item, and log the Item Storage Location as “Foley Library.” 

Custom Logging Field > Item Storage Location 

This is where you log in where the lost property is located to be claimed by the owner. Sometimes the “Location Item Was Found” and the “Item Storage Location” differ. Make sure you are careful when logging in the different locations. 

Activity (Show History) 

This is where you can read the history of the item from it being queued and published by the PIXIT user and/or claimed by the owner. You can also view any updates/edits to the lost item. 

Show Image (off/on) 

This is where you will publish/edit and view an image of the lost item. DO NOT include a photo of priority items or items with confidential information on them. 

Priority Items 

Priority Items is not an official term on PIXIT, but is important to know if you work at Gonzaga. These items include confidential information and/or are valuable items that need to be returned to their owners as soon as possible. You can find a non-exhaustive list of Priority Items below. 

Transfer Item 

This allows for accounts to transfer items from one location to another. For example, if you want to transfer a lost item to another location for storage, use the item transfer feature to do so. 

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