You may receive questions about donations when you are working at the desk. In general, we do not accept donations, but there are a few exceptions.
We DO accept recently used textbook donations, as we have a “recently used textbook” area of the library (main floor, near the new books). We developed that student-driven collection to help offset textbook costs for students.
We MAY accept donations that are unique or would make a significant contribution to our collection. Examples of this include the recently donated collection on World War II books, as well as another donation on the Romani people. However, these kinds of donations must first be screened by a librarian, so we would ask for an itemized list of the items for their review. In general though, we do NOT ACCEPT the majority of donation inquiries that we receive at the desk.
Here is a link to our donation policy, and we also have brochures at the desk that you can hand patrons: If you receive any push back or additional questions, you can refer the patron to Laura.