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Foley Library User Services Training Guide

Friends at the Desk

How to handle friends at the desk 

We realize that you are a student working in a very public-facing position, and that you will see people you know from time to time. It’s completely fine to say hello to people you know, but please keep these guidelines in mind. 

  • Keep conversations brief, and no longer than 2-minutes. 

  • Use the line “it’s great to see you, let’s catch up later when I’m off work.” 

Why do we have this policy?  

  1. Having friends hang out at the desk creates a situation where someone’s confidential or private library information could be compromised (I.e., your friend doesn’t realize that they should not be watching someone check out a book, or is in listening distance if someone has to tell you their ID number).  

  1. It also creates an environment where you do not seem approachable to anyone who might have questions.  

  1. Lastly, the Circulation area is a work area for full-time staff, and lengthy conversations can be distracting for any staff member who needs to work in that area.  

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