Planned Time Off Expectations for Late Night Students
For planned time off, our expectation is that all students (undergraduate and graduate) should give us at least 48 hours' notice for any dropped shifts.This helps ensure that you have sufficient coverage during the late-night hours.
Occasionally, you may need to deal with last-minute staffing issues, such as a student employee calling out sick or a no-show.
How Students Call in Sick
Just like you, undergraduate student employees will use the "sick/absent" notice to call in sick. Once the form is submitted, an email is sent to all supervisors (Molly, Amanda, Hannah & Laura), and another email is copied into a folder in the Reference Desk Outlook account (which can be found on the station at the Info Desk using the foley-refdesk login).
To locate the Sick/Absent notice emails, open up the Reference Desk Outlook account (Note: you must be logged in as foley-refdesk to access this account). Find the folder labeled "*Sick/Absent Notices from Students." All recent sick/absent notices should be in that folder.
How to Find Emergency Back Up Coverage
If a student is out sick or you have other late-night staffing issues, follow these steps:
How to Approve Trades for Emergency Coverage
To approve trades, follow these steps:
PLEASE DO NOT APPROVE ANY TRADE REQUEST OUTSIDE OF YOUR SHIFT. Leave those for a full-time supervisor to handle.
If you end up sending any messages through WhenToWork or approving any shifts, make sure to note that information in your shift report.
What To Do If You Have to Close Alone
In the unlikely situation where you are the only one working and are faced with closing the building by yourself, please call Campus Security at x2222 from any desk phone or 509-313-2222 from your cell phone. Explain that you are a student employee at Foley Library and you are working on your own. Ask them to arrive at 1:30 am to help you clear the building.