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Foley Library User Services Training Guide

WhenToWork & Sick/Absent Protocols & Expectations

WhenToWork is the schedule software that you will be using to view your upcoming shifts and make any planned or unplanned (sick) schedule changes.  

It is important to be on time for all of your shifts. Your job is a service desk position, which means your coworkers are depending upon your timeliness to relieve them of their shifts. We also expect you to follow our attendance policy. Be sure you refer to the Student Employee Expectations to review our expectations surrounding attendance and timeliness and how repeat violations will result in termination of employment with Foley Library. 

As a reminder, for planned absences you must allow at minimum 24 hours notice to drop a weekday or early evening shift. You must allow  at minimum 48 hours notice to drop a weekend or late-night shift. Fill out the sick/absent form, which sends an email to all of your supervisors. This ensures that we are all aware of your planned absence, regardless of who is on shift. For sick leave or emergency leave, follow the same protocol (fill out the sick/absent form). Make sure you are letting us know WELL BEFORE THE START OF YOUR SHIFT. DO NOT text individual supervisors, as we all work different hours. If it is very last minute and you need to speak with a supervisor over the phone, please instead call the main Circulation Desk phone (509-313-5803). 

 You can always access the Sick/Absent form from the Canvas page, or from the front page of WhenToWork. We ask that you not come to work if you are at the contagious stage of any illness. 


WhenToWork Instructions 

To view your schedule, visit WhenToWork and click on My Schedule. 

Picking Up Shifts  

To pick up shifts, click on the “Tradeboard - Pick Up Open Shifts” tab. 

Select the hour that you would like to pick up. 

That will bring up a pop-up window with the details of the shift: 

Click on “Click here to request this shift” to request it, then select “Yes.” 

That will send an email notification to your supervisors and they will either approve or deny the request. The expectation is that once you pick up a shift, you are responsible for that shift as you would be if it were one of your regularly scheduled shifts (I.e., follow the sick/absent protocol if you need to drop it).  

As a Tier 1 student, you can only pick up other Tier 1 shifts (do not attempt to pick up anything higher).  

To Drop a Shift 

To drop a shift, go to the main homepage of WhenToWork and select “My Schedule.” 

This will bring up your schedule for the week. 

Select the shift that you would like to drop. This will bring up a pop up window with the details of the shift.  

Click on “Add shift to tradeboard.” This will make the shift available for other student employees to pick up. 

You will receive a popup notification that the shift has been added to the tradeboard. 

Be sure that you also fill out the sick/absent form. Absences are not excused unless the correct protocol is followed, including filling out that form. 

Shifts and WhenToWork 

If you work 10 minutes or more past the end of your shift, please make sure you add .25 to your timesheet for every 15 minutes worked. You should also send an email to your supervisors so that they are aware when processing payroll. 

Campus Closures 

Student Employees are not allowed to work during an all-campus closure. If you receive a ZagAlert notification that campus is closed, do not come to work. If you receive any other emergency notification via ZagAlert, check in with a supervisor at the main Circulation Desk phone number (509-313-5803) about whether or not you should come to work.  

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