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English Literature

A guide for English majors and others searching for criticism research tools

Long Form Search Strategies

When searching for criticism on longer fiction works such as novels and novellas, keep the following in mind.

For research on specific chapters:

  • Know alternate titles, subheadings, or common phrases in the chapter.
  • Likewise, keep in mind the general themes that can be searched.

For research on specific works:

  • Know the alternate names for authors, related works, and the general genre.
  • Keep in mind that reviews of sister works often mention prior works. Consider researching the author in general.


Short Form Search Strategies

  • If you're looking for a specific story, titles might not be consistently indexed. Look for titles of collections that the story could be in. Remember that anthologies often contain stories from multiple authors across a specific theme.
  • Google Books is a great place to search if you remember a specific line or phrase but not the title or author.
  • The Dictionary of Literary Biography, found in Gale Literature can help you remember titles by specific authors.

Short Fiction

Long Fiction

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