While most grey literature can accessed freely, some conference proceedings are not publicly available. If you have any questions on getting access to a conference proceeding, you can contact Foley's Interlibrary Loan department for help.
Provides free access to many material in their electronic collections. Contact Foley's Interlibrary Loan department if you need help getting access to any materials.
Academic Search Complete is a comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with over 12,000 indexed publications, as well as monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc. On Campus Guest Access
A multidisciplinary database for leading journals in the arts and humanities, social sciences and sciences. Use this database to identify the number of citations to articles in scholarly journals as well as locating all cited references captured from indexed journals.
The collection of information sources of the Portal consists of bibliographic databases produced by the VHL Network, such as LILACS, Medline, and other types of information sources, such as open educational resources, websites and scientific events.