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Finding Tests & Instruments in Databases


Finding Instruments & Measurement Tools

  • If you know the test name, you can enter it in the search box and select INSTRUMENTATION in the dropdown menu.
  • You can try searching both the name of the test and its acronym (i.e., meyers briggs OR mbti). Just make sure you use the OR operator to search either term.
  • You may also be able to find instruments and measurement tools by using the Title, Abstract, or Subject fields.
  • You can also search by Subject Heading.
    • Many (but not all) tests can be searched by name in the Subject field.
    • If you don't know the name of a test, you can browse the Subject Headings in CINAHL by instrument. There is also a general umbrella term (MH "Research Instruments+"). NOTE: Make sure to include the + symbol in your search if you want to search the main term as well as all of the subheadings underneath "Research Instruments." This is called, "exploding" your search.


Finding Reviews or Evaluations of a Tool

To find reviews or evaluations of an instrument in CINAHL, search by instrument name and add an additional subject headings such as:

  • Instrument Validation (MH "Instrument Validation+")
  • Reliability and Validity (MH "Reliability and Validity+")
  • Additionally, you can try using a filter by selecting Publication Types: Research Instrument Utilization or Research Instrument Validation.

APA PsycInfo

  • Search using the main search box, and then change the search dropdown menu to TM Tests & Measures
  • If you don't know the name of the tool and are searching by topic, you can use the boolean operator OR to include synonyms, and the boolean operator AND to search multiple concepts. For example:
    • (drug OR substance) AND (teen* OR adolescen* OR youth)
    • NOTE: The *asterisk will find: teen(s), teenager(s); adolescent(s), adolescence


PubMed is an incredibly large database and can be overwhelming when searching for survey instruments; if you are using PubMed, some of these subject headings may be useful, though we generally recommend CINAHL as the best database for finding data collection tools:

  • Surveys and Questionnaires [mh]
  • Health Care Surveys [mh]
  • Health Surveys [mh]
  • Health Status Indicators [mh]
  • Psychological Tests [mh]
  • Personality Tests [mh]
  • Psychometrics [mh]
  • Data Collection [mh]


"COSMIN helps you select the most suitable outcome measurement instruments COSMIN aims to improve the selection of outcome measurement instruments both in research and in clinical practice by developing methodology and practical tools for selecting the most suitable outcome measurement instrument."

If you aren't sure what type of instrument to select, COSMIN can be a good starting place!

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