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DNAP 761

Automatic Term Mapping

PubMed is a very unique database, in that it does something called Automatic Term Mapping (ATM). Pubmed will automatically translate keyword searches to find additional research, including mapping keywords to subject headings. 

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Let's search for ringworm in PubMed!!

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Remember to use the PubMed link on the library databases page -- this will give you additional full-text options!! 

Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)

Note that PubMed identifies subject headings in your search using a code after the heading. So for ringworm, your subject heading could look like this:

  • Tinea [mesh]
  • Tinea [mh]

Or for a major subject heading:

  • Tinea [majr]

Exploding Subject Headings

When using MeSH terms, Pubmed automatically "explodes" the subject heading -- this means that Pubmed will search for your subject heading, but it will also search for any subject headings underneath that term in the MeSH tree. This will expand your search results. For example, if you were searching for Tinea, you'll also see information about Onychomycosis, Tinea Capitis, etc.

Screenshot of Tinea in MeSH Tree

If you want to turn off Pubmed's automatic explode option, you can add the following to your search [mh:noexp]

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