GV346-351.5 | College sports. |
GV401-433 | Sports facilities |
GV711 | Coaching. |
GV713 | Sports Administration. |
GV716 | Sports Marketing. |
GV733-734.5 | Professional sports. |
GV735 | Sports officiating. |
GV743-749 | Athletic and sporting goods, supplies, etc |
If you are looking for a particular book, the fastest way to find it is with a title browse search.
1. On the library homepage, select Browse Search.
2. Select a List to Browse from the drop down menu, select Title.
3. Type the beginning of the title of the book and hit enter.
A browse search is not quite like a normal search. It will pull up the exact result and anything near it alphabetically in the browse list. What it won't do is show you search results that are close to, but not quite, what you searched for. The best method for finding a title is to type the first three or four words of the title exactly and see what comes up.
A note about articles (the grammar kind, not the journal kind!):
If your title starts with A, AN, or THE, leave the article off and start with the next word. For instance, instead of The Lord of the Rings search for Lord of the Rings.
THIS and THAT are always included in the title, i.e. That Hideous Strength would be found by searching for That Hideous Strength, not Hideous Strength.
Finding eBooks at Foley Library