The Foley Center Library Copyright Guide provides an overview of copyright and fair use in higher education, empowering instructors and students to use copyrighted materials legally and ethically. It covers copyright basics, fair use principles, how to locate licensed materials, and additional copyright resources.
This online guide does not provide legal advice, nor is it intended to replace the advice of Gonzaga's Office of General Counsel.
Copyright is a form of intellectual property that protects the creative expression of ideas. It gives authors exclusive rights to their works, such as the right to reproduce, distribute, and perform their works. Copyright does not protect ideas themselves, but it does protect the way that ideas are expressed.
Copyright can be transferred in part or all to another person or entity (like a publisher) with written consent.
Some exceptions to author copyrights apply, like fair use.
Fair Use
Fair use is a legal doctrine that allows for the limited use of copyrighted material without permission from the copyright holder. It is a flexible doctrine, and its application can vary depending on the specific circumstances of each case.