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ESL: Start Here

ESL Quick Links

Learn about Gonzaga's English Language Center, which offers an academic ESL program and more, within the Center for Global Engagement.

Check out the Spokane libguide for fun, interesting and helpful information about the community and services in the area.

Find information about bus routes and schedules at Spokane Transit.

Stop by or schedule an appointment at the Writing Center, located just inside the Foley library.

Foley Quick Links

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About This Guide

Welcome to the Foley Library's guide for those learning English as a Second Language.

Start with the ESL Quick Links box on the left for information on the ELC or the Spokane area. Choose one of the tabs at the top of the page to search for information on articles, books, web resources and more.

ARTICLES: You'll find a variety of print magazines, journals and newspapers on the lower level of the Foley Library, with thousands more available through our databases.

BOOKS: On the second floor of the library, you can find simplified reading material in the PZ2 call number area. In the center of the second floor, in our Curriculum section, are resources for children and young adults that may be of interest. The library also has a selection of eBooks and audiobooks.

WEB RESOURCES: We've provided links to some of the many excellent ESL websites that can help you with English language learning.

VIDEOS: Check out DVDs from the popular video area on the first floor or view some of our streaming videos online.

CITATION & REFWORKS: Use this page for guidance on doing research in academic college courses.

Any questions? Contact me, my information is in the box to the right.


Your Librarian

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Kelly O'Brien Jenks
Foley Center Library
AD Box 95
502 E. Boone Ave
Spokane, WA 99258
(509) 313-3829