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Nursing 561

If you are not familiar with searching for evidence in the Foley Library Databases, please review the following pages:

Selecting a Database

Your question type will dictate what kind of evidence is needed to help answer your question. Databases often specialize in particular types of research, so knowing where to find that kind of study type is an integral first step in the research process.

Finding Search Terms

This section will demonstrate how to use PICOT to find search terms, as well as how to use Subject Headings in PubMed and CINAHL. There is also an interactive tutorial that will lead you through the process of using CINAHL to find research.

Building Your Search

This section will show you how to put together your search in a database using Boolean Operators (AND/OR/NOT, truncation, proximity searching, and using parentheses).

Revising Your Search

This section will show you how to refine and revise your search, including adding and removing search terms and using Filters to limit your search results.

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