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Technology at Foley

Remote Access

Foley Library uses a software called EzProxy for off campus (remote) access to most library resources. 

EzProxy uses our campus Single Sign On system, so if you are already logged into email, Primo Library Search, or MyGU you will not have to login a second time. 

If you are searching in Google Scholar you can use this link to reload content via our EzProxy for remote access to content.

Would you like to access Google Scholar content through Foley Library? Here is how!

  1. Add this link to your bookmark toolbar**: Reload in Foley Library Proxy Server
  2. Find an article through Google Scholar, or other search method.
  3. Click the link in your bookmark toolbar.
  4. Login through the Proxy server with you Gonzaga credentials, if Foley subscribes to the resource you will now have access to our subscribed content.

**How to add the link to your toolbar:

Firefox: Right click and save Reload in Foley Library Proxy Server to your bookmark toolbar

Chrome and Safari: Click and drag Reload in Foley Library Proxy Server to your bookmark toolbar

Library Resources Available Remotely

Online resources available 24/7:

Library services available remotely:

  •     Schedule a virtual reference appointment from our webpage, librarians can meet with you by phone or via Zoom.
  •     You can always call us at 509-313-5931 for research and access support.
  •     ATAS – Academic Technology Applications Support is available for virtual support of Foliotek eportfolios, Qualtrics survey software, and Turnitin.
  •     EITA – Electronic Information Technology Accessibility staff is available to assist making electronic content accessible.
  •     Article delivery services via Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is available. Book borrowing and all other ILL services are suspended.

We have upgraded our proxy server, and all SSL errors should be resolved. If you encounter remote access errors or SSL errors when accessing library resources, please email with information on the link that led to the error.   

Information for instructors on updating Blackboard links

Accessibility | Proxy Logout