The APSA Style Manual is the premier style manual for the political science discipline. The complete guide is available to download for free on the American Political Science Association website.
APSA is based on the Chicago Author/Date style, and it refers to specific sections of Chicago in its own manual.
Zotero is a citation management software system. You can add citations for all kinds of sources to Zotero, and organize them into personal folders for your research projects. You can also create Group Libraries in order to more easily collaborate with others on projects. There is a desktop application, a web library, and a browser plug-in that renders almost any web page easily cite-able.
Zotero, while not supported directly by Foley Libraries, is a free service*, and is not tied to your affiliation with Gonzaga University.This means that when you graduate or leave GU, you never have to worry about losing access to your Zotero library. And when you join another organization, you can continue to use your Zotero account seamlessly.
*There is a fee structure if you are hosting more than 300MB of files on Zotero, but most users never reach this point, and pricing is very reasonable even if you do.