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Services for Faculty and Staff

Welcome Faculty

Foley Center Library is committed to providing the highest possible service to our faculty. Our goal is to partner with you in your personal research and teaching as well the research and reference needs of your students.

Liaison Librarians

Faculty who want to request specific library purchases should contact the librarian/liaison for their department.  Students who need help with a specific research topic should contact the librarian listed for the academic discipline.


Course Reserves
Instructions for faculty and staff on placing items on reserve, including Electronic Course Reserves and Reading List information

Collection Development
Information on how we build the library collection and ways you can make recommendations

ILL / Interlibrary Loan
Place requests for books and articles not available in the Foley collection. ILL Department Information

Library Instruction

The goal of the instruction team is to develop information competence in our students, preparing them to be life-long learners able to contribute to intellectual and social progress.  The library instruction team is here to help students and faculty navigate the world of information literacy. See our contact info to schedule an instruction session.


Zotero is a free, open source citation management system that lets you add items to your personal library with a single click. It works in much the same way as similar programs such as RefWorks and Mendeley, with the crucial difference that your account is not tied to your Gonzaga affiliation. *Note: Foley Library is ending our subscription to Refworks in September 2022, learn more about importing your Refworks citations to Zotero

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