Keep in mind that these guides may point you to resources in the Foley Library collections, to which we do not have access, but they are full of other useful tips and links. Remember, anything that can be accessed via the Web can be accessed from Florence!
Doing research at Gonzaga-In-Florence? Here is your guide for everything that the GIF Library offers to make your research project the best it can be. Start with the Quick Links box to the right or choose one of the tabs at the top of the page to search for books, articles, web materials and more.
More subject-specific research guides for GIF to come! In the meantime, check out the guides created by Foley librarians, in the box to the left.
If you need help with research, you can:
Start here to find books, media & scholarship. Library materials are accessed electronically and/or are housed at the Gonzaga in Florence Library.