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Chemistry & Biochemistry Research Guide

A research guide to introduce you to chemistry and biochemistry resources at the library, including library databases, journals, tools, and other materials.

Subject-Specific Databases

Interdisciplinary Databases

Interlibrary Loan at Foley Library

What is Interlibrary Loan (ILL)? 

ILL is a service the library provides to offer you access to material we don't own. We're part of a network of libraries all over the country that shares material.

What can I get through ILL?

We can get you article and book chapter PDFs within 24 hours, and books generally within 1-2 weeks.

How much does it cost?

ILL is 100% free for all current Gonzaga students, staff, and faculty!

How do I use it?

There are two main ways to make an ILL request:

1. Item records in the main library catalog always include links to "Request Item via ILL". Clicking on this link will take you to a pre-filled request form you can submit.

2. You can always submit a request manually from the ILL page linked above. Just make sure the fields with a * next to them are filled in. If you're having trouble, you can always get help from a librarian using the 24/7 chat feature.

I'm still having trouble. Who do I contact?

Email the ILL department at or call 509-313-5803.

TOXNET Resources

TOXNET was a robust toxicology resources service provided by the U.S. National Institute of Health's National Library of Medicine. As part of a broader NLM reorganization, most of NLM's toxicology information services were integrated into other NLM products and services. A list of the most relevant resources previously available through TOXNET are provided here.

Boolean Logic and Other Search Tools for Better Searching

Boolean operators infographic

Imace (c) CC BY Nicole Gustavsen, 

You can use Boolean logic as part of your search strategy to easily scope your searching to bring back more relevant results. The AND operator is used to narrow results, while the OR operator is used to expand them. You can also use the NOT operator to exclude particular search terms from a pool of results. Other tools include quote search (search for a phrase "in quotes" to find that exact phrase), and wildcard (search for all possible endings of a word at once using the asterisk: wild* brings back wilds, wildcard, wilderness, wildland, etc).

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