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University Archives & Special Collections (UASC)

Gonzaga University’s Digital Collections derive from physical documents housed within the University Archives and Special Collections and are made accessible as part of the historical record. Some materials contain offensive images, language, or other objectionable content. Gonzaga will not erase or rewrite history by removing, editing or redacting them.  The materials will remain, as they are today, publicly available.  These historical primary sources are a reminder that the need to educate for cultural sensitivity, and the challenge to deepen and expand equity and inclusion, is an ever-present one. These images do not convey a contemporary understanding of Gonzaga’s core values, which are to honor and respect the human dignity of all persons.  Nor do they reflect our commitment to greater diversity, or increased equity and inclusion.  Our University Mission Statement clearly articulates our values in this regard: “… The Gonzaga experience fosters a mature commitment to dignity of the human person, social justice, diversity, intercultural competence, global engagement, solidarity with the poor and vulnerable, and care for the planet.”

            Gonzaga University is conducting an audit of its materials to locate these sensitive materials.  Should you find materials that you feel falls under this designation and would like to bring the material to UASC’s attention, please complete the form below so the materials may be added to the audit.

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