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In-SPUR-ation: Celebrating 70 Years of Sisterhood with the Spurs and Setons: Introduction


The Spurs began in October 1951 as part of the Spurs, a national college women’s service group affiliated with the Intercollegiate Knights. In 1951 Jack Gilligan, President of the Gonzaga Knights of the Kennel, initiated the idea.  The first group called themselves the “Zagettes” until they received recognition from the national Spurs.  They were finally recognized as members of the Spurs organization in February 1955.  Gonzaga was the 27th chapter to join.

The Spurs in 1971 - 1972 decided to break from the National Spurs so that the group could function more independently.  But they kept the name “Spurs”.  By 1989, the International Spurs threatened a lawsuit if they kept the name without joining them.  Consequently, in November 1989 the group voted to change their name.  They adopted the name “Setons” after St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, who was the founder of the Sisters of Charity and because of her example of leadership and service.

Although the name and members have changed over the years, the main purpose of this sophomore service organization continues on. Today’s 30 members of the Setons of Gonzaga continue the tradition of service started 60 years ago.

Zagettes, 1952

Zagettes, 1952

“GU Organizes Spurs”, Gonzaga Bulletin, Oct. 26, 1951

“GU Organizes Spurs”, Gonzaga Bulletin, Oct. 26, 1951

Spur Soc Hop, 1960 – 1961: Spurs getting ready for the Spur Soc Hop

Spur Soc Hop, 1960 – 1961: Spurs getting ready for the Spur Soc Hop


Founder’s Day Reunion, 1969 – 1970: Old and new Spurs serve punch for a renewing of the year


Founder’s Day Reunion, 1969 – 1970: Old and new Spurs serve punch for a renewing of the year

“Success is a journey… not a destination” From Seaton Scrapbook 1993-1994

“Success is a journey… not a destination” From Seaton Scrapbook 1993-1994


Seton Scrapbook, 2000 – 2001

Seton Scrapbook, 2000 – 2001

Setons selling muffins, 2010

Setons selling muffins, 2010

Lauren Mills, Katelyn Loomis, Stephanie Vogel, Michelle Thomas

2011 – 2012 Setons

2011 – 2012 Setons

Alexis Hartmann, Andrea Pappas, Becca Grady, Brady Essmann, Brenna Holland, Caileen Cullen, Caitlin Finnerty, Emily White, Emma Anderson, Erin Dempsey, Kellie Grenier (President), Kelsey McLean, Laura Pflug, Liisa Kaufman, Maite Garay (Vice-President), Mandy Silva, Mariel Rodriguez, Maura McLafferty, Megan Dempsey, Merceds Bass, Molly Casey, Molly Roberge, Natasha Gulati, Nikki Fugiel, Olivia Moser, Olivia Phillips, Sara Mack, Sierra Tietge, Sydney Volwiler, Trang Nguyen