Highlights of the 1950s
Spur members and moderator Toni Mariani pose with Sherrel Bradford’s decorated “Bradford’s Bomb”. The Pledge breakfast was held in the Cog.
Showing the many Spur activities for the month of November. (Spurs Scrapbook, 1957 – 1958)
New President Toni makes her oath of office. Mary gives up the token of her presidency.
The old members standing (left to right): Jane Stanich, Lynn Willis, Mary Garland, Anne Moore, Linnet Ries, Marilee Beoch. The new Spurs seated: Pat Harrop, treasurer; Fran Picord, vice-president; Toni Pappold, president; Mary Lee Polchow, secretary; Mary Hoffman, historian, and Karen Krohn, editor.
From left to right: Pat Fredley, Judy Hood, Monda Sherick, Jean Lemire, M.J. O’ Shea, Julia Lane