Link to: Gonzaga's Study Abroad Programs

Many library services are still available to Gonzaga students studying in other countries:
Can I get books sent to me?
- The cost and time involved to ship books overseas prevents us from offering our usual book loan service while you are abroad.
- Foley has a growing collection of eBooks which you can find using Primo Library Search.
How do I get articles?
- Foley subscribes to a number of databases and journals that provide articles in full-text (PDF or HTML) and if an article isn't available in full-text from the database you're using, look for the link to Check Gonzaga Libraries for full text options. If it isn't there, use ILL to request it.
How long will it take to receive an article once I put in the request?
- Most articles arrive within a day or so of placing the request.
How will I receive an article I've requested through ILL?
- A PDF of the article will be posted to your ILL account and you will be notified by e-mail when it is available. Save a copy of the article right away as it will be removed from the ILL server after 30 days or 5 views.
How will you know where I am?
- If you are requesting articles, it doesn't matter, we will send you a PDF whether you are on campus or abroad.
- If you are requesting books, please be aware that we cannot ship books abroad.