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Tradition and Transformation: 125 Years in 125 Items: Student Life

Case 6: Student Life

undefinedAccording to the Gonzaga website: “Student life at GU cultivates the intellectual, ethical, social, physical, and spiritual elements of one’s personality. More than 90 extracurricular organizations invite students’ participation. Academic clubs provide challenging opportunities for students to apply what they learn in the classroom to the real world. Interest groups enable the cultivation of leadership skills while allowing individuals to fight for causes they believe to be important. Sports clubs offer friendly competition and healthy workouts. Peer support groups ensure that students always have a time and place to reflect upon personal issues and concerns. This array of activities contributes to Gonzaga’s strong sense of community by providing many opportunities to meet friends outside of the classroom.”  It is believed that a student’s education takes place in the classroom and in his/her life outside the classroom.

Item 63: Bulldog Bowl (Formerly the Sausage Bowl) Trophy, 2003 - present

Started in 2003, the Sausage Bowl, now called the Bulldog Bowl, is an annual flag football game between DeSmet and Catherine-Monica residence halls. Considered Gonzaga’s football game of the year, hundreds of fans watch under the bright lights of Mulligan Field as the two classic rivals clash.  Both teams have approximately 40 students representing their dorms.  On Saturday, September 8, 2012 the Bulldog Bowl was held at 3:30 on Mulligan Field with DeSmet Hall winning.

On loan from DeSmet Hall

Item 64: JCPenney Golden Rule Award to Campus Kids, 1999

 Award won by Campus Kids in recognition of its work for at-risk kids in 1999

On loan from CCASL

Item 65: Campus Kids Mentors and Kids, 1997

Founded in 1994 to help at risk students, Campus Kids is an after school campus-based mentoring program focused on helping children grades 4th -6th succeed in academics and relationship building.  The Center for Community Action and Service Learning (CCASL) oversees Campus Kids.  Held from 3:30 to 5:00, Monday through Friday, the program has students and their GU mentors engage in a variety of activities, working on homework and educational games together, and sharing a healthy snack.  Mentors visit their mentees at school once a week and participate in monthly Saturday activities. 

SERVICE:  Deeply rooted in the centuries' old tradition of Jesuit education, Gonzaga University aspires to develop the whole person through contemplation, intellectual dialogue, and engagement within a vibrant Jesuit, Catholic, and humanistic learning community. We exist to develop generations of leaders whose actions reflect a faith that promotes justice, the pursuit of truth, a dedication to service, and a commitment to ethics and the common good." - Gonzaga Vision Statement

Item 66: Piece of the Wall, 2008

Paint chip recovered from the Wall after it was power washed in 2008.  It shows various layers of paint.  The Wall was built in the late 1960s to keep foot traffic from crossing the lawn in front of DeSmet Hall.  Today it has transformed into a community message board.  The concrete, excess from another project, was donated by Central Pre-mix Concrete Company.  The Wall was then constructed by employees and students working for the Grounds Department. 

Item 67: the Wall Photograph, 1994

Item 68: Zambian Gold 100% Organic Forest Honey, 2012

During the summer of 2007, ten Gonzaga University students in the Comprehensive Leadership Program (CLP) engaged in a month-long service-learning course addressing intercultural leadership in Zambezi, Zambia. While there, the students lived in a small village and worked on various service projects focusing on teaching literacy to local Zambians. 

During this time, students were encouraged to explore micro-finance initiatives that would partner with local Zambians in a relationship that would bring opportunities to this region. After tasting pure African honey, students spent time within the country with local bee farmers, members of local government, and the Zambezi Catholic Mission exploring ways to provide a sustainable market for fair trade organic forest honey in the US.

The honey can be purchased at the Crosby Student Center, any campus coffee shop, and online at

On loan from Comprehensive Leadership Program

Item 69: Chilena Basic School, Zambezi, May 2012

Blake Carr and Britney Boland (both Class of 2014) taught at Chilena Basic School in Zambezi during May 2012.  This school is supported by the sale of the Zambia Gold Honey.  Blake and Britney taught literacy lessons to Grade Six students for three weeks.

Item 70: Intramural All-Star Award, 1970

This small beer stein was awarded to each member of the intramural all-star football team in 1970

On loan from Dennis Hession

INTRAMURALS:  Intramurals has always been offered at Gonzaga University.  The Jesuit fathers believed that recreation and sports was an important to the well-being of their students.  At first, the intramural teams for football, baseball, basketball, and other sports were part of the Junior Yard Association (JYA).  Today, the Intramural Sports Program is one of the most popular attractions on campus with over 2,750 students participating annually equaling over 58% of the student population. The program offers 23 sports and events with a variety of different team and individual activities for students, faculty, and staff to participate in.  There are team sports such as basketball, soccer, flag football, softball and volleyball to individual sports such as a Swim Meet, March Madness and Homer Derby.  The newest intramural sport offered is inner tube basketball.

Item 71: Spurs (now Setons) Wool Sweater, 1964 – 1965

The Spurs began in October 1951 as part of the Spurs, a national college women’s service group affiliated with the Intercollegiate Knights. The first group called themselves the “Zagettes” until they received recognition from the national Spurs in 1955.  The Spurs in 1971 - 1972 decided to break from the National Spurs so that the group could function more independently.  But they kept the name “Spurs”.  By 1989, the International Spurs threatened a lawsuit if they kept the name without joining them.  Consequently, they changed their name in 1989 to “Setons” after St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, founder of the Sisters of Charity.  Although the names and members have changed over the years, the main purpose of this sophomore service organization continues on. Today’s 30 members of the Setons of Gonzaga continue the tradition of service started 60 years ago. 

Donated by Ginny (Brotherton) Tretheway

Item 72: Knights T-Shirt, 2011 – 2012

The back of shirt reads:  “Service, Leadership, Brotherhood”

The Knights of the Kennel were the ancestors to today’s Knights, originated in September 1924.  Their purpose was to take over the obligations of the former G-Club.  These included keeping order and ushering at all athletic events, greeting visiting teams, and provide them hospitality.  The group was limited to freshmen and sophomores.

Today’s Knights are composed of 30 sophomores who perform service to the local community and Gonzaga.  With the Setons, they provide weekly service to self-selected non-profit organizations, monthly service to various organizations, put on Charity Ball and auction where all proceeds go to a charity, and provide ushering service at campus events.

On loan from Peter Kelly

Item 73: The Brotherly Order of YoYos, 1962

The YoYos started in 1959 and was a fun-loving group of guys, serious about their education and very active on campus.  The second floor of DeSmet Hall housed the majority of them, but in their sophomore year they resided in Welch Hall, and then eight moved into a house on E. Boone that was referred to as “Olsen Hall”.  The idea for the name originated from Dany Avey, since their intramural teams had their ups and downs.  They petitioned the university for club status and their charter was accepted.  The YoYos were involved in every facet of University activity from sports to politics.

Item 74: YoYos Patch, 1962

Item 75: Student Handbook, published by Gonzaga Bulletin, 1947-1948

“A Helpful Guide to a Successful Year” informs students all about Gonzaga University from school dances and the clubs in which they can join to the tradition and rules of the school. Includes special rules for freshman.

Item 76: Gonzaga University Co-ed Cues Pamphlets, 1967-68 and 1968-69

Gonzaga Co-ed Cues published by the Associated Women Students (AWS) provided female student’s general information about the rules for the residence halls as well as clubs they can join, as well as what behavior is expected.

Item 77. Freshman Beanie, 1954

Starting in the fall of 1948, freshmen were required to wear their “beanies” at all times.  If a freshman was found not wearing it, the student was sent to “court” to face punishment.  The beanies had to be worn until the end of October.  However, during Campus Days events, should the freshmen class beat the sophomore class in various events, then the beanies could come off earlier.  These beanies were used until the late 1960s when it was decided to make the freshmen feel more included.  The date on the front of the hat shows the year the freshman would graduate.

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