In Gonzaga’s early years, the library did not have much importance as there was limited resources, especially money. The library was located in the Administration Building, now College Hall. Through the years books had been purchased or donated even though there was limited space. In 1941 a fire damaged the library. Insurance money provided for replacement for many volumes lost. In 1953 GU President Corkery, S.J. wrote the Jesuit Provincial that the library conditions were very distressing as books were shelved in 14 different rooms; there were fire hazards, the reading rooms were inadequate; and the books were inaccessible. It would take four more years before the Crosby Library was built.
Located on the west end of the Administration Building
This article, published in The Bulletin, talks about a “face lift” given to the library, which was located in the Administration Building (now College Hall) at the time. The redecoration was done during the Christmas holidays of 1948 in an effort to improve the look of the library.
This report evaluated the library as part of GU’s accreditation. It described the library as generally adequate, but noted the lack of space as having a serious impact on the usefulness of the library.